Steve Jobs nominated for Person of the Year

With this nomination Jobs may become the first deceased “Person of the Year winner” in the history of this prestigious pageant. Steve Jobs was nominated by Brian Williams. This Williams, who works for NBC News as well as Time-panelist, described the nomination as a Job wereldveranderaar that man is a piece of glass and plastic in a new way revolutionere allowed use.
Steve Jobs

Having brought Apple (<a href="">AAPL</a>) back from the brink of a premature death following his return to the CEO's office in 1996, Jobs has revolutionized how we consume media of all kinds, whether music, TV shows, and movies. Itunes is now the biggest retailer of music, be it digital or tangible—in the U.S., having sold 5 billion songs as of June. Since 2007 he's turned his attention to the wireless world, challenging entrenched players like Motorola and Research In Motion with the iPhone.
Besides Steve Jobs also received Senate kanidaat Elizabeth Warren and Muhammad Bouazizi nomination. Latter led to nationwide protests earlier this year in Tunisia after a suicide attempt in despair. Bouazizi round a university degree program but failed, like so many in Tunisia, not in a good job. Alternatively, he goes on the street selling fruit and vegetables. However, his belongings in an audit conducted by the police what drives him to attempt suicide. Bouazizi pour himself with gasoline and then stabs himself on fire. The newly 26-year-old boy dies of his injuries shortly afterwards. This act subsequently leads to protsten country against unemployment.
The outcome of this election will be announced in December. Last year, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is a prestigious title to get. Julian Assange and the Chilean miners last year, finished as runners up after Zuckerberg.

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