The Mobile World In 60 Seconds [Infographic]

This infographic by Mobclix highlights all the interesting mobile phones facts. As the title says, each of these below mentioned facts happened in just a minute, that’s exact 60 seconds.
This infographic has been cut into three different sections. One named “MobClix” featuring facts related to mobile phone and advertising stats. The second one is “Industry” with the overall mobile industry facts and the third one is the “Publisher” featuring the mobile apps facts.
Here are some cool facts that I highlighted. Don’t forget to dig into the full infographic available below.

  • A stunning 208,333 minutes playtime of Angry Birds.
  • 77,244 WiFi connections made on iPhone and 51,937 on Android.
  • 4,111 Ads are tapped in a minute.
  • 463 mobile banking interactions in Europe.
  • 23,148 apps downloaded at Apple app store.

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